Development Plans

A major factor to consider is that all of the typical legal problems that exist in big properties in Baja were solved:

• There is not a single square meter invaded
• There is not a single double property registration or overlapping

Also, a serious study and planning of the area was carried out . Over 20 prestigious national and foreign firms were hired.

Before formally initiating any proceedings, studies and plans were socialized with:

• The state, municipal and federal governments.
• The main NGOs
• The universities and researchers
• Important sectors of the community to which we belong (fishermen, farmers, ejidatarios)
• The general public
• All the opinions received were considered and incorporated. The result was the approval of the Master Plan by the State and the Municipality and of the MIA (environmental impact manifestation) by the Semarnat (Federal Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources), by consensus, without opposition, and the authorization and registration of the corresponding subdivisions before the Public Registry of Property.

We have achieved the acceptance and trust of the community to which we belong . This 10 year process is over and now there are conditions to start the development with full legal certainty for investors: There is no other project of this magnitude in Mexico with this degree of absolute certainty.